Lenormand cards. Name compatibility.


How to start:
For the beginning of fortune telling "Compatibility between two names" or second name of this lenormand reading "Relationship compatibility by name", enter your name and name of your partner in the middle part of screen and click to picture of card deck for identification compatibility of your names.

Important! If your companion often call you Bobby, but not Bob, it is necessary to specify exactly Bobby, as this is an important indicator of your communication and relationship to each other.


Card reading "Name Compatibility" or "Relationship compatibility" aimed at fans of numerology. With using the specified names (your name and name of partner), lenormand cards will help you to discover the compatibility of names and relationships. The goal of this card divination lies in calculating the compatibility of your couple regarding your names. Quantity of divination results is 36, that is the number of cards in the card deck of Madame Marie Lenormand.


Enter your name and your partner's name. Then you will see a map describing the compatibility of your names and relationships.

Reminder: names must be entered in English letters (Latin alphabet). Numbers, special characters are not supported.

Your name
Name of partner
Click for result of divination

Enter your name and name of partner and click to picture of card deck for identification of name compatibility.